I'M JESS. A daydreamer.
I’m a big fan of learning, growing, kindness, food, outer space, The office, old photos, cats, book clubs, live music, new places, Sylvia Plath, the east coast, mountains, mountains on the east coast, friends, family, family that are friends and friends that are family, the sound of a record player, the sound of rain, wildflowers in my house, wildflowers in the wild, children’s imaginations, Van Gogh, autumn, thrift-shopping, growing gardens, stories, meaningful old stuff, and a bunch of other stuff in no particular order. I write. I read. I paint. I hike. I listen for poems in songs and look for pictures in words and I try to see the beauty in every strange little piece of this world.
As we are all aware, life happens. It happens abruptly and brazenly and it doesn't have a care for if you've braced yourself, or prepared, or made arrangements for it- it just happens. and Everyday, moments seem to slip so quickly through our fingers and down to our travelin’ toes, and we move so fast that these moments can end up long behind us.
I hope the moments I photograph can be the keepers of those times. Because we all deserve to hold on to the time thaT matters to us- the time that puts peace in our souls and love in our bones and makes our stay on this spinning planet worth it.